Excerpts from the release announcement.
MEPIS has announced the "Spartacus" release of antiX, a lightweight derivative of MEPIS. AntiX is built and maintained by MEPIS community member anticapitalista, as a free version of MEPIS for very old 32 bit PC hardware. The antiX web site is at antix.mepis.org and an antiX forum is hosted at www.mepislovers.org Anticapitalista said, "After months of hard work, I am delighted to announce that antiX "Spartacus" is ready for release. antiX is a fast, stable, lightweight and easy to install livecd for those with old computers or for those who prefer a 'lean and mean' operating system on modern hardware. Enjoy antiX!"
AntiX is built using the MEPIS Linux 6.5 core including the MEPIS 2.6.15 kernel and utilities, but mostly it has a different set of default user applications: fluxbox and ice window managers, Abiword, Gnumeric, Leafpad, Scite, Nano, gimp, xpdf, Firefox2, Sylpheed-claws, Dillo, Links2, Gaim, Xchat, gftp, Pan, Irssi, Raggle RSS reader, Gtk-Gnutella, bittorrent, flash, mozilla-mplayer, xmms, mplayer, audacity, xine, Midnight Commander, rox-filer, xarchive, xcdroast and graveman.
Warren reported "Anti has demonstrated that you don't need to be a programmer to build a very useful derivative of MEPIS Linux. The MEPIS community is very impressed with his achievement."
AntiX is designed to work on computers with as little as 64MB RAM and Pentuim II or equivalent AMD processors. The new ISO images are available in the 'released/antix' subdirectory at the MEPIS Subscriber's Site and at the MEPIS public mirrors.
Read the full release announcement
Download the latest version here, currently antiX-Mepis6.5 (410MB) download
antiX is also available on the MEPIS mirrors. mirrors
antiX-Mepis6.5 md5sum and xdelta patches available. antiX
Here is a link to some screenshots. Screenshots1