Thursday, July 5, 2007

PCLinuxOS leaves behind Ubuntu

Good news for PCLinuxOS fans!!!! But at the same time die-hard Ubuntu supporters must be worried. Here is why.
Finally PCLOS has taken lead from Ubuntu on the last 3 months based rankings on The H.P.D. today showed 2669 for PCLOS against 2668 for Ubuntu.

So the trend is clear Ubuntu is loosing the race to PCLOS. Ubuntu has been the leader quite for a long time and established its reputation. PCLOS on the other hand is relatively new and need to maintain its good work to be at the top of the distro race.

But certainly both the Distributions are really great. As always, not every person is satisfied with these two but overall they have many more positive responses than the negative ones.

I hope this race would continue indefinitely as this would help the Linux and the community grow as a whole.


Fredo said...

I just checked it again. Ubuntu is now ahead of the game. Again. :P

Vipul Agrawal said...

no its still the same. i think u saw it for 6 months span

rambutan said...

This is a biased sample. Distro junkies like me cause false spikes when we see a new release and click on it, even try it.
I was one of the PCLinuxOS clicks, I tried it and dumped it. I'm staying with Ubuntu.
Better stats for DistroWorld are at:
This shows which Distro the user had when he went to DistroWatch.

Unknown said...

"junkies like me cause false spikes"

Exactly.. I tried it, found no compelling reason to use it over Ubuntu (which by default comes with Gnome which I prefer) and ditched it. My Ubuntu install has been running steady since 5.10 and so I haven't needed to download a full iso since.

uC said...

"Exactly.. I tried it, found no compelling reason to use it over Ubuntu (which by default comes with Gnome which I prefer) and ditched it."

But I put a truck full of money into SuSE and Redhat

Unknown said...

"die-hard Ubuntu supporters must be worried."

Why be worried? Distrowatch standings in no way alter the quality of the software. Ubuntu and PCLinux are both great distros. No need to worry!

Unknown said...

distrowatch is like the popularity contest of the moment. It is nice but don't put too much stock in the rankings

Texstar said...

It doesn't matter to me if we're ranked 1, 100 or 1000. I'm just enjoying Linux and sharing it with friends who might like it too.